It only takes a few steps
to get your individual storage solution.
The planning process is our strong point.
The right planning and the selection of storage systems is crucial in day-to-day business. Our experience takes you direktly to your individual racking system.
Shelves are constructions to be statically calculated. Standards and safety requirements are constantly changing and must be taken into account during planning. Raking systems planned by us are statically verifiable at any time and created in accordance with all standards and technical requirements.
We work vendor-independent and through the years of dealing with a wide variety of racks, shelves and all other types of facilities, we are well prepared to handle any situation.
This guarantees the direct route to your optimal storage utilization.Take profit from our specialtist knowledge and professionalism.
We measure, plan, layout, design, sell and assemble your storage facilities in dialogue with you and consider your requests, desires and needs.